So, I will have to admit. My fist blog post (almost a month ago, cause I have no clue how to work this.) was really kinda boring. So sorry about that! Hopefully I can make it fun and something you will want to read in the future. Oh and p.s. the blog is still under construction.
How excited are you that its almost the WEEKEND! I am! We don't have too many plans, but I think that is what I am really looking forward to. I am in much need of a relaxing weekend with the husband before crazy week starts on Monday. I have a double wedding on Thursday, which means lots of prep and organization to have it all run smoothly on the day of the weddings... cross my fingers. :)
I thought that every Friday I would share a flower tip that I have learned and maybe it will help you in some little way with the flowers you may receive as gifts or the ones you couldn't resist at the groceries store. First things first. Prepping your flowers..... Once you bring home flowers, before you put them in water, you must ALWAYS cut off the bottoms of the stems. This will re open the stem and it will be able to drink more water and in the end, last longer. While enjoying the flowers during your week or two you should switch out the old water and add fresh. If you don't have more of the floral food to mix in with new water there are plenty other ways to make them last. I have heard everything from putting a penny in the vase to Vodka! I will share the ones that I know work the best. Just a little bit of Sprite or 7 Up in the water, Aspirin tablet, Mouth wash (kills all bacteria in water) and yes.... Vodka. I once talked to a spunky elderly woman who lived by Vodka in her flower water. She told me, "Make sure you don't put to much in the water. Just like humans, flowers can get drunk!" ha ha made me smile.
Helpful link:
Go out and have an adventure this weekend!
Heidi Barton
Welcome to the blog world! I hope you enjoy your stay :) you did great!!